
  • How To Soundproof Your Stairs

    If you have ever accidentally waken a crying baby or caused your dogs to bark in the middle of the night due to a creak, you know just how frustrating it is. Unfortunately, a lot of house noises occur when using the stairs. You can't always avoid the stairs when others are sleeping, but there are ways to soundproof them. Here are some easy tips for soundproofing your stairs and letting everyone sleep peacefully.
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  • 3 Tips For Tasteful Faith-Based Decorating

    Your home's decor should suit you and your family, and it should be like a snapshot of you and your loved ones' interests and beliefs. This means that you may want to add decorative crosses and other faith-based decor, but you could be concerned about doing so tastefully. You don't have to adorn your walls with huge religious murals just to make your point, but following these simple yet tasteful tips can help you display your pride in your faith without going overboard.
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  • Heat Pump Or Central Air: Which Is Better?

    Is a heat pump better than central air? That answer really depends on your needs for your particular home and climate. When trying to decide which is a better option for you, it helps to look at exactly what each one offers as well as their benefits and drawbacks. What is a Heat Pump? A heat pump is a refrigeration system that can produce either hot or cold air into a controlled space.
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  • When Less Is More: Easy Zen Style Decorating Tips For Your Home

    A cluttered room not only looks unattractive, but it can also cause you to feel anxious. Zen style is the opposite of clutter. It is a decorating theme that infuses your home with peace, serenity, and calmness. Consider the following tips to implement Zen style into your home. Move out clutter Eliminate everything you don't need or use. If your walls are covered with elaborate picture groupings and photos, consider selecting one framed piece you can't live without and removing the rest.
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  • Furniture Repair: How To Repair A Rip In Your Leather Couch

    A high quality leather couch can easily cost several hundred or even several thousand dollars. Consequently, it is quite easy to understand why you may not want to simply get rid of this furniture if it becomes ripped or torn. Unfortunately, professional leather repairs can also be quite expensive. Thankfully, it is possible to save money by performing these repairs yourself. Following the steps outlined below will allow you to accomplish this task.
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  • Creative Ways To Heat Your Home When The Heater Breaks

    If your heater suddenly stops working then you want to generate heat another way. When it's cold outside you want to preserve the heat you have in your home, but you'll also need to generate more heat quickly. You can learn some creative ways to warm your house below: Make a simple paint can heater You can make a paint can heater with things you have laying around the house. One heater will be able to warm up a small room in your house.
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  • Say What? Watch For Chikungunya In 2015

    You know better than to share your twilight BBQ with mosquitoes because of the risk of contracting the West Nile virus. However, now you have another mosquito-borne illness to be concerned about: chikungunya. Yes, it is indeed difficult to pronounce--and impossible to treat. Although it isn't fatal, chikungunya can make you pretty miserable. Here's what you need to know about this virus that is just beginning to hit the United States.
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  • Drip Irrigation Overview For Perennial Plants

    Perennial flowers and shrubs have different watering needs than your lawn grass. Installing a permanent drip irrigation system in conjunction with your sprinkler installation can help you meet these needs, while encouraging the best health of the plants. Drip Benefits When it comes to the perennial flower garden, drip irrigation offers several key benefits compared to hand watering or overhead sprinklers. A few of these are: Leaves and flowers stays dry.
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  • Tips To Avoid Furnace Repair This Winter

    Winter is a terrible time for furnace repair. With the outdoor temperatures dropping, the pressure to keep your home constantly heated rises steadily with each passing day. These tips will help you avoid an ill-timed and inconvenient furnace repair this winter. Change the Air Filter The air filter cleans the air that flows through your HVAC system with every use. In addition to improving the air quality in your home, this prevents dirt and pollutants from building up inside your furnace and air conditioner, contributing to the efficiency and smooth functioning of the system.
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  • 3 Benefits Of Replacing Old Exterior Residential Doors

    When it comes to the exterior doors of your home, it is important to make sure that they are in the best shape possible. This might mean the occasional repair, or in many cases, it means a complete replacement because that is what will give you the most benefits. If you are not yet sure as to whether you should go ahead and pay to have your old exterior residential doors replaced, you will want to take a moment to review the following benefits.
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